Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Silent Ones by Taylor Grant

Five Stars
"This story is a trip!"

While I will be reviewing the "Horror for Good" anthology in its entirety at some point and posting it on Amazon, today I am reviewing an individual short story - The Silent Ones - by Taylor Grant. Told from a first-person narrative, the main character starts to question his existence when he stops receiving mail, phone calls, and even acknowledgement from his co-workers. Though he's not a ghost, something just isn't right, and he finds himself fading from reality more and more. This story was a lot of fun to read and has a little bit of everything. In addition to possessing a certain creep factor, especially in the beginning, Taylor provides a few laughs along the way. This story alone is worth the five dollars. Since there's a ton of talented authors in this book and proceeds go to charity, I can't find an excuse not to buy it.

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